The International Academy of Estate and Trust Law

2024 Academy Roster

The following list is for reference and non-marketing purposes only. Use of the list for marketing purposes is strictly prohibited.
Clare Maurice
Maurice Turnor Gardner LLP
15th Floor, Milton House
Milton Street
London, EC2Y 9BH

Phone: +44 (0)20 7786 8711

 Mobile: +44 7767 674 318 

Clare was for many years a partner in Allen & Overy LLP, latterly running the Private Client Department in that firm. In 2009 the department demerged and the practice transferred to the then new firm of Maurice Turnor Gardner LLP which Clare founded with colleagues and of which she is Senior Partner. Her main specialism is international tax and estate planning for UK and non-UK domiciled individuals and families with complex assets located in many jurisdictions, looking for solutions to the tax and structural challenges of global wealth. She also advises families and charities themselves in connection with the creation and activities of such entities. Clare is an International Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel.

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